India Linkage: Indo-Aus relations, Kashmir, student power, free trade, corruption, border war

India Linkage: Indo-Aus relations, Kashmir, student power, free trade, corruption, border war
Published 12 Oct 2012 

  • Australia still has much to do to repair its relations with India.
  • Sumit Ganguly argues that Kashmiri independence isn't as simple a solution as it may seem.
  • The Australia India Institute is giving undergraduate students an excellent opportunity to get to know India.
  • What is the difference between China and India's approach to Free Trade Agreements?
  • The Economist is hosting a debate between Shashi Tharoor and Arvind Subramanian on whether India is losing its way. The final verdict is due on Monday.
  • How institutionalised corruption is undermining sanitation projects in Uttar Pradesh (NB this article is paywalled).
  • For Shyam Saran, the major lesson of the 1962 China-India border war is that India must never let down its guard.

Photo by Flickr user Shubhada Nikharge.
