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The Interpreter 2022: Your most-read articles
The Interpreter 2022: Your most-read articles
Almost 3 million readers turned to The Interpreter over the year – an audience that increasingly reaches far beyond Australia. In 2022, roughly four out of every five Interpreter…
How to Interpret 2022: Russia invades Ukraine
How to Interpret 2022: Russia invades Ukraine
Across dozens of articles published this year, The Interpreter has analysed unfolding events following Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and brutal campaign in Ukraine – from the sudden…
Seeking independence: three books to read this summer
Seeking independence: three books to read this summer
In her book, Becoming, Michelle Obama revealed that her husband, former United States President Barack Obama, has about eight books on the go to read at any time. I’ve lived a…
Beyond binary choices in Australia China relations
Beyond binary choices in Australia China relations
Book Review: Australia’s China odyssey: from euphoria to fear, by James Curran (UNSW Press, 2022) December 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Australia-China diplomatic…
Putting a stop to destructive anti-satellite weapons tests
Putting a stop to destructive anti-satellite weapons tests
Australia last month became the eighth country to make a binding commitment not to test destructive anti-satellite weapons (ASATs). The announcement was welcomed by the United…
Where does Australia’s new aid budget leave gender equality?
Where does Australia’s new aid budget leave gender equality?
With the region currently confronting multiple crises, from the Covid-19 pandemic to climate change, Australia’s new aid budget, announced by the Labor government on 25 October,…
Found in translation: Australia and China’s shared history
Found in translation: Australia and China’s shared history
Book review: Happy Together: Bridging the Australia–China Divide by David Walker and Li Yao, with Karen Walker (Melbourne University Press, 2022) In rural towns…
Economic diplomacy: Womenomics shifts from Tokyo to Jakarta
Economic diplomacy: Womenomics shifts from Tokyo to Jakarta
Labour pains While Japan and Indonesia have radically different population pyramids, today they face the common dilemma that how they manage these differences will have a big…
Understanding global right-wing extremism
Understanding global right-wing extremism
Book Review: Rise of the Extreme Right: The New Global Extremism and the Threat to Democracy, by Lydia Khalil (Penguin, 2022). The rise of the global extreme right has been a…
China, Russia and North Korea: the wars that never end
China, Russia and North Korea: the wars that never end
Book review: Dancing on Bones: History and Power in China, Russia and North Korea, by Katie Stallard (OUP, 2022) In Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery, in north-east Saint…