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Defending the liberal international order
Defending the liberal international order
Book review: G. John Ikenberry A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order (Yale University Press, 2020) Big ideas about how the world…
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
This week, Chinese multinational technology giant Tencent shut down hundreds of accounts on WeChat linked to LGBTQ groups. Suddenly millions of queer people in China were…
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
This Lowy Institute interactive uncovers the changing face of Australia's diplomatic network, tracking 47 years of Australian diplomatic appointments overseas. The data…
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the former US Deputy National Security Adviser, Matthew Pottinger.
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
China’s increasing attention to the Pacific region has created an uncomfortable bind for Australian foreign policy: should Canberra try to compete on economic grounds, knowing…
Supporting the victims of sexual violence in Myanmar
Supporting the victims of sexual violence in Myanmar
Phyu Phyu Oo and Sara Davies Conflict-related sexual violence has been a feature of fighting in Myanmar for decades – a crime explicitly singled out by the UN Secretary General…
Ethiopia matters to the world
Ethiopia matters to the world
On 21 June, Ethiopians voted in long-awaited and twice-delayed parliamentary elections. These were the first polls held under the premiership of controversial Nobel Peace Prize…
Standing with Afghanistan: Inclusion and women’s rights in peace talks
Standing with Afghanistan: Inclusion and women’s rights in peace talks
The agreement signed by the United States and the Taliban in February 2020 sought to end America’s (and Australia’s) longest-running war. After nearly two decades of conflict, the…
The battle for Africa
The battle for Africa
In his first overseas trip as US President, Joe Biden has flagged he intends to rally European allies in a critical “battle between democracies and autocracies”, and “make it…
An unwelcome wake up call
An unwelcome wake up call
Australia’s chief spy-catcher revealed in March that a “nest” of foreign agents had infiltrated the community – chasing secrets, cultivating local politicians, and monitoring …