Uncategorised and other

Global fiscal consolidation
Global fiscal consolidation
One important outcome of the Great Recession has been the rapid accumulation of government debt in many of the world’s developed economies. This growing debt burden represents a…
Into the Dragon’s den
Into the Dragon’s den
While Chinese foreign investment into Australia has been the subject of a great deal of controversy, investment flows moving in the other direction have received much less…
Making international development assistance work
Making international development assistance work
Australia’s aid program has been in the news lately, with calls for a wider public debate on the role of overseas aid. But public debate is being shaped by starkly contradictory…
Confronting the Crisis of International Climate Policy
Policy Briefs
Confronting the Crisis of International Climate Policy
Copenhagen failed to produce an agreement on climate change commensurate with the scale of the problem, highlighting the fundamental weaknesses in the existing UN framework. …
The 2010 Lowy Institute Poll
The 2010 Lowy Institute Poll
New questions in the sixth annual Lowy Poll of Australian public opinion cover the Rudd Government’s handling of foreign policy, whether Australia should develop nuclear weapons,…
The evolving post-crisis world
The evolving post-crisis world
In a new paper written as background for the current Asian Development Bank Economic Outlook, Dr Stephen Grenville notes that Asia has come through the Global Financial Crisis…
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
Policy Briefs
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
The 'carry trade', in which capital shifts from countries with low interest rates to countries with significantly higher rates, has become an important element of international…
The global financial crisis: causes and consequences
The global financial crisis: causes and consequences
This Working Paper, by Warwick McKibbin and Andrew Stoeckel, models the global financial crisis as a combination of shocks to global housing markets and sharp increases in risk…
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
The 2009 Lowy Institute Poll
The 2009 Lowy Institute Poll
The fifth annual Lowy Institute Poll surveys a nationally representative sample of Australians on a broad range of foreign policy issues. New questions this year cover the…