
The strategic consequence of the Chagos Islands legal dispute
The strategic consequence of the Chagos Islands legal dispute
At the end of last month, the African archipelago nation of Mauritius secured an important legal victory in its territorial and maritime disputes against its former coloniser, the…
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
President Donald Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton outlined the US administration’s new Africa strategy in a speech last week at the Heritage Foundation, a…
America builds on development aid
America builds on development aid
In the biggest reform of US foreign aid policy in recent history, the US Senate this month passed the Better Utilization of Investment Leading to Development, or the BUILD…
China’s aid: the image boost
China’s aid: the image boost
Mounting accusations of Chinese debt traps, trade imbalances, and neocolonialism in Africa made for a heady backdrop to this month’s meeting of the Forum on China-Africa…
China’s arms trade: a rival for global influence? 
China’s arms trade: a rival for global influence? 
Against the backdrop of the recent China-Africa Defence and Security Forum, numerous articles have been written questioning the rationale behind the conference and the…
A life in fear: violence against adolescent girls
A life in fear: violence against adolescent girls
The escalating violence by Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2014 sparked widespread international condemnation, but the fighting triggered a regional crisis in neighbouring countries of…
Xi Jinping, Senegal, and China’s West Africa drive
Xi Jinping, Senegal, and China’s West Africa drive
Xi Jinping’s choice of Senegal for a state visit on 20–21 July, his first visit to West Africa, en route to the BRICS summit in South Africa, suggests that China seeks to deepen…
“Poor old” China meets “poor young” Africa
“Poor old” China meets “poor young” Africa
The success of China’s reform and opening program across 40 years has shifted the nation from backwater to the centre of global growth, lifting 800 million people from poverty in…