
The chance for Australia to urge ASEAN to act on the Rohingya crisis
The chance for Australia to urge ASEAN to act on the Rohingya crisis
This week, diplomats from Australia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will gather in Malaysia for the 31st ASEAN-Australian Forum. Even with the Australian government…
Economic diplomacy: ASEAN trade, BRI deals and ageing Asia
Economic diplomacy: ASEAN trade, BRI deals and ageing Asia
When the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry surveyed its members last year about their use of trade agreements, the ASEAN-Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement…
Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change?
Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change?
Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing challenges, and one which impacts humanity as a whole. A recent United Nations study indicates that decreasing biodiversity in…
ASEAN Regional Forum: less might be more
ASEAN Regional Forum: less might be more
The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) – with its unwieldy number of member states (27) and preoccupation with dialogue (a “talk shop”) – has been declared a failure time and again. Some…
Thailand should lead ASEAN with a migrant worker agenda
Thailand should lead ASEAN with a migrant worker agenda
Thailand will assume the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2019 after the ASEAN Summit in Singapore this month. This is in keeping with Thailand’s hopes to regain its place of regional…
From the high horse: Malaysia’s problematic track record
From the high horse: Malaysia’s problematic track record
Speaking at the ASEAN summit in Singapore this month, Malaysia’s “new” Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad gave counterpart Aung San Suu Kyi a taste of his notoriously acerbic…
ASEAN might not be the way
ASEAN might not be the way
Former senior Australian diplomat Geoff Raby’s substantial article written for the Asia Society and reproduced in the Australian Financial Review this…
Deterrence under the dragon’s shadow: Vietnam’s military modernisation
Deterrence under the dragon’s shadow: Vietnam’s military modernisation
On 5 March the USS Carl Vinson made a port call to Danang, in central Vietnam. It was the first time since the War (the Vietnam War to Americans, and the American War to…
The urgent need for leadership on the Rohingya crisis
The urgent need for leadership on the Rohingya crisis
Jubaida is one of a million refugees in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. When she thinks back six months, her memories of playing marbles with friends rest oddly alongside episodes of…
ASEAN Summit wrap: living with neighbours, managing China’s alternative, and bridges to somewhere
ASEAN Summit wrap: living with neighbours, managing China’s alternative, and bridges to somewhere
Democratic dividends Sitting in the largely lifeless media centre of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s $56-million grand diplomatic gambit, it was hard not to be struck by…