
AUKUS? Quad? FOIP? A fragmented approach cannot counter China
AUKUS? Quad? FOIP? A fragmented approach cannot counter China
Although a substantive movement has developed aiming to contain China ­– AUKUS being only the most recent example, adding to the reconstituted Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or…
ASEAN muddles through on Myanmar
ASEAN muddles through on Myanmar
Diplomacy is messy. Officials, politicians and (dare I say) think-tank analysts relish the highfalutin talk of rules, treaties, norms, values and principles. But, more often than…
China’s economic sanctions made Australia more confident
China’s economic sanctions made Australia more confident
China has singled out several Australian industries with economic sanctions since May last year, imposing hefty tariffs on Australian barley and wine exports, while throwing up…
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Delivery guy When Joe Biden first elevated “something called supply chains” to the global bully pulpit of a White House press briefing back in February it wasn’t hard to guess…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Fan Yang and Fergus Ryan on Chinese-language media in Australia
Lowy Institute Conversations: Fan Yang and Fergus Ryan on Chinese-language media in Australia
In this episode of Conversations, Jennifer Hsu talks with Fan Yang and Fergus Ryan about the media representation of Australia-China relations, WeChat, self-censorship…
US-China: tiers of cohabitation
US-China: tiers of cohabitation
As strategic tensions between the United States and China calcify so too does the conclusion that they have entered into “a new Cold War”. Indeed, the strenuousness with which…
If pushed far enough, would Myanmar leave ASEAN?
If pushed far enough, would Myanmar leave ASEAN?
The decision by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations not to invite Myanmar’s military leader to two related summits in Brunei on 26–28 October raises an intriguing question:…
India’s AI conundrum
India’s AI conundrum
Late last month, people across the globe gathered online for the second Annual Artificial Intelligence for Information Accessibility Conference (AI4IA), organised by UNESCO…
Australia, Indonesia and climate change
Australia, Indonesia and climate change
In February 2020, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo made a state visit to Australia and addressed a joint sitting of the Australian parliament. This was a rare privilege granted…
Would a war over Taiwan be legal?
Would a war over Taiwan be legal?
Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has called for “solidarity” with Taiwan in the face of China’s “intimidatory sorties” testing its air defences. As the war drum…