
Andrew Peacock’s Timor legacy
Andrew Peacock’s Timor legacy
Since his death on 13 April, tributes to former Australian foreign minister and leader of the federal opposition Andrew Peacock have flowed from across the political divide. He…
Biden’s North Korea review is a diplomatic victory for Moon Jae-in
Biden’s North Korea review is a diplomatic victory for Moon Jae-in
US President Joe Biden will later this month hold his first face-to-face meeting as president with his South Korean counterpart, President Moon Jae-in. In the lead-up to the 21…
Do Belt and Road projects provide local benefits?
Do Belt and Road projects provide local benefits?
In a virtual meeting with a group of African students in late April, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken asked a question, implicitly, about China: “Are they bringing their own…
China’s innovation dilemma
China’s innovation dilemma
It has long been conventional wisdom that China would struggle to become an innovative nation. China’s controlled society, with lack of freedom of speech and expression,…
A breadcrumb trail as Europe responds to a rising China
A breadcrumb trail as Europe responds to a rising China
Aware of China’s unprecedented economic and military rise and its ambition to become a global power, and recognising the shift in the centre of international political and…
Post-Covid disaster governance in Southeast Asia
Post-Covid disaster governance in Southeast Asia
There is a consensus among Southeast Asian governments on the need for multi-hazard disaster governance approaches. It is reflected in ASEAN member states’ efforts to strengthen…
Economic diplomacy: Patent politics and trade deal twists
Economic diplomacy: Patent politics and trade deal twists
Biden’s jab First it was new carbon emission cuts, and then a global minimum corporate tax. But it is hard to beat the Biden administration’s move to shaft the pharmaceutical…
 Philippines community pantries give help – and send a message
Philippines community pantries give help – and send a message
A handwritten slogan can be spotted on cardboard posters at stalls across the Philippines: “Give according to your means, take according to your need.” These are makeshift…
Biden’s North Korea plans come into view
Biden’s North Korea plans come into view
The Biden administration recently announced it had completed its North Korea policy review. The White House, through several public statements in recent days, dropped crumbs…
The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The border crisis in Ladakh may end in war or peace — or it may never end.