
Economic diplomacy: A headless WTO, selling the Asian farm
Economic diplomacy: A headless WTO, selling the Asian farm
New world order The leadership of the World Trade Organisation may be the first test of whether the world can move on with normal life amid the divisions and recriminations as…
A Trump legacy?
A Trump legacy?
The “who won” question isn’t quite resolved. Bleary-eyed pundits fossicking over every county result are making about as much sense – and as much noise — as a flock of seagulls…
 A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
Twenty years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1325, a landmark to formally recognised the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls…
Is China speeding up military modernisation? It may, but not yet
Is China speeding up military modernisation? It may, but not yet
On 29 October, at the Fifth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the year 2027 was mentioned for the first time in the same breath as army…
Book review: The China bubble that never pops
Book review: The China bubble that never pops
Book review: Thomas Orlik China: The Bubble that Never Pops (Oxford University Press, 2020) Way back in 2001, Gordon Chang wrote a book entitled The Coming Collapse of China…
Coming soon: A neutral South Korea?
Coming soon: A neutral South Korea?
Around five years ago, I submitted an article to a leading strategic studies journal detailing how options previously considered extreme – such as abandoning the US alliance,…
Taking China seriously: A review of Geoff Raby’s “grand strategy”
Taking China seriously: A review of Geoff Raby’s “grand strategy”
Book Review: Geoff Raby, China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the New Global Order (Melbourne University Press, 2020) Since the middle of the 19th century, four…
Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
The coronavirus has showcased China's cyber-powered social control capabilities, with implications for human rights worldwide.
Taiwan: Rising stakes for Australia
Taiwan: Rising stakes for Australia
The Taiwan Strait is a key hotspot in the intensifying US-China rivalry, where the two superpowers’ spheres of influence overlap. Beijing claims the area as a uncompromisable …
Xi Jinping speeds China's ascent
Xi Jinping speeds China's ascent
China's leader is driving his country to match a declining America by 2035. That is only four or five Australian elections away. Originally published in the Australian Financial…