
The semiconductor industry is where politics gets real for Taiwan
The semiconductor industry is where politics gets real for Taiwan
One might wonder how something as small as five nanometres – about the width of two strands of DNA – could be of consequence to the complex political relationships between the US,…
India’s dilemma: Neither strategic nor autonomous
India’s dilemma: Neither strategic nor autonomous
The recent China-India clash in the Himalaya provides India with a dilemma: can it continue to pursue its long-desired aim of achieving “strategic autonomy”? India has never…
Singaporeans’ tricky exercise in tactical voting
Singaporeans’ tricky exercise in tactical voting
Singaporeans will go to the polls on 10 July, after a characteristically speedy campaigning period of nine days, along with a “cooling-off day” on which electioneering is banned. …
Calling out “expansionism”: The Modi way
Calling out “expansionism”: The Modi way
India’s message to China is loud and clear: expansionism is outdated. In a decisive move, Prime Minister Narendra Modi choose to make the point right from the heart of Ladakh –…
Yes, to balance China, let’s bring Russia in from the cold
Yes, to balance China, let’s bring Russia in from the cold
Last month, US President Donald Trump surprised allies by calling for Russia and Australia to be admitted together with India and South Korea to an expanded G-7. Writing in…
China eyes African prospects to iron out trade tension with Australia
China eyes African prospects to iron out trade tension with Australia
Growing Sino-Australian diplomatic and trade disputes have led to Chinese import bans on certain Australian products, but iron ore – Australia’s biggest export to China – has…
The economics of national security in Hong Kong
The economics of national security in Hong Kong
In the late hours of Tuesday evening last week, China’s new national security law for Hong Kong came into force. Seen by many as a response to the pro-democracy protests that…
Indonesia: Still caught between trade and protectionism
Indonesia: Still caught between trade and protectionism
The entry into force of an ambitious Indonesia-Australia trade deal on Sunday is a boost to the bilateral relationship, coming after nearly a decade of difficult negotiations. No…
Beyond Covid, the chance for a broader Australia-Japan relationship
Beyond Covid, the chance for a broader Australia-Japan relationship
If Prime Minister Abe Shinzo reads the Lowy Institute poll, it might have provided about the only fillip to his recent political fortunes. He would have no doubt been pleased that…