
Democracy is struggling in South Asia
Democracy is struggling in South Asia
Democracy in South Asia is experiencing a troubling decline. Indicators point towards a consistent backsliding. Recent unfair elections held in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Maldives…
Myanmar: What the generals hear might not be what the world means
Myanmar: What the generals hear might not be what the world means
If asked to present a strategic analysis of Myanmar, three years after the 2021 coup, an observer could start by telling a parable, recounting a couple of stories, and then asking…
The India-France “pas de deux” in the Indo-Pacific
The India-France “pas de deux” in the Indo-Pacific
On 26 January 1950, independent India’s constitution came into effect and the country formally became a republic. The date is celebrated as Republic Day with great pomp and…
Chinese social media and the 2025 Australian federal election
Chinese social media and the 2025 Australian federal election
In any electoral or voting cycle, misinformation and disinformation has the ability to alter the outcome of the democratic process. From January to December 2023, we conducted a…
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, as the adage goes. And in terms of measuring gender equality and women’s empowerment, considerable barriers exist. While significant…
Securing India’s cities
Securing India’s cities
With India’s economy recording impressive growth, the country’s cities are emerging as pronounced markers of gains. With a concentrated push to improve infrastructure chalked up…
ASEAN-Australia: The art of what’s possible
ASEAN-Australia: The art of what’s possible
Having talked about atmospherics and then process, let’s look at results from the final day of the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit. This is the “outcomes document”, as they call it…
A summit between Japan and North Korea? About time
A summit between Japan and North Korea? About time
North Korea keeps on surprising. While Pyongyang is busy erasing all references to unification with South Korea, it is extending an olive branch to Japan. It all began early in…
How “like-minded” are Indonesia and Japan about China?
How “like-minded” are Indonesia and Japan about China?
No one could miss recognising that the label “prevent unilateral attempts” refers to China’s activities in the South China Sea. Last year, Japan announced an official security…
ASEAN-Australia: Small steps at the big summit
ASEAN-Australia: Small steps at the big summit
Today is “bilat day” (short for bilateral) for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne. Call it diplomatic speed-dating, with lots of…