
China and Australia's relationship is souring but not weakening
China and Australia's relationship is souring but not weakening
COVID-19 and politics are driving them apart but trade keeps them together. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review. 
Hong Kong: System override
Hong Kong: System override
At first glance, the latest protests in Hong Kong may seem like a carbon copy of what happened in 2019. On 24 May, thousands of pro-democracy protesters crowded into one of the…
Push India towards the Quad to deter China
Push India towards the Quad to deter China
A four-country bulwark against Beijing's regional dominance is an idea whose time has come. To make it work, New Delhi must be convinced to join in. Originally published in the…
Global consensus can sway China
Global consensus can sway China
Events this week show that, amid the most protracted great power stand-off since the Cold War, middle powers can forge global consensus. Originally published in the…
Investors will lose as Beijing squeezes Hong Kong
Investors will lose as Beijing squeezes Hong Kong
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Why Beijing feels compelled to destroy Hong Kong’s freedom
Why Beijing feels compelled to destroy Hong Kong’s freedom
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. 
In Afghanistan, one step forward, but peace still a far leap
In Afghanistan, one step forward, but peace still a far leap
Last week, Afghanistan’s top two politicians, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, signed a power-sharing agreement in Kabul, ending their eight-month standoff over September’s…
Getting back to harvest: The way forward after China’s barley tariff
Getting back to harvest: The way forward after China’s barley tariff
China’s decision to impose heavy tariffs on Australian barley and the alleged connection with Australia’s call for an independent international investigation into the origins of…
The battle for a Covid vaccine risks losing the “war”
The battle for a Covid vaccine risks losing the “war”
Leaders of nations around the globe have resorted to the language of warfare to characterise their fight against Covid-19. From US President Donald Trump, who declared himself a …
Islands of opportunity: Where India and Australia can work together
Islands of opportunity: Where India and Australia can work together
As India and Australia prepare for a virtual summit next month between prime ministers amid the coronavirus pandemic, a possible strategic initiative could involve the cooperative…