
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
The recent allegations of Chinese espionage and election interference – and the subsequent doubts cast upon them – have reignited the China debate in the Australian public…
Moon Jae-in’s foreign policy reorientation
Moon Jae-in’s foreign policy reorientation
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is changing South Korean foreign policy. He has allowed Seoul’s relationship with the United States and Japan to deteriorate while betting…
Taking the Confucius Institutes at face value
Taking the Confucius Institutes at face value
In recent years, the deepening of Australia’s engagement with China (our most important trade partner) has exacerbated concerns over the motivations and consequences of its…
Time with Trump: Australia and Southeast Asia compared
Time with Trump: Australia and Southeast Asia compared
Over the last two years, US President Donald Trump has made two trips to Southeast Asia and none to Australia. Despite this, according to White House media notifications, Prime…
Taiwan embraces Southeast Asian migrant workers, one book at a time
Taiwan embraces Southeast Asian migrant workers, one book at a time
Yun-Chan Liao remembers it was about ten years ago when she first heard Southeast Asians in Taiwan saying that Taiwanese people treat cats and dogs well, but they weren’t so nice…
The new development banks: Paradigm shift or poor imitation?
The new development banks: Paradigm shift or poor imitation?
2014 marked the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference, and it was a turning point for the global financial architecture. In July that year, the BRICS countries – Brazil…
China-US trade war: For all the bark, not much bite
China-US trade war: For all the bark, not much bite
It is now nearly 17 months since the Trump administration began collecting 25% tariffs on the first tranche of Chinese imports to the US – time enough to evaluate the economic…
Hong Kong: The people’s voice
Hong Kong: The people’s voice
On Monday evening in Hong Kong, just hours after the pro-democracy camp made global headlines with a landslide victory in the District Council election, thousands gathered in the…
In Sri Lanka, the Rajapaksas will rule ruthlessly
In Sri Lanka, the Rajapaksas will rule ruthlessly
Gotabaya Rajapaksa was sworn in as president of Sri Lanka on 18 November. He served as secretary to the ministry of defense when his brother, Mahinda Rajapaksa, ruled the country,…
Cambodia: Playing the long game against Hun Sen
Cambodia: Playing the long game against Hun Sen
To the casual observer, it may appear that Cambodian strongman Hun Sen is letting up, undoing some recent repression. This month, Hun Sen released Kem Sokha, the founder and co…