
Crunch time on Rohingya refugees
Crunch time on Rohingya refugees
The Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have long been seen as a major potential source of maritime arrivals for Australia. In recent weeks, there has been an uptick in departures as…
Cambodia at a critical juncture in its development journey
Cambodia at a critical juncture in its development journey
This commentary was originally published by the Cambodia Development Resource Institute. 
India indicted? Unravelling an alleged assassination plot in America
India indicted? Unravelling an alleged assassination plot in America
The US Department of Justice has unsealed an indictment alleging a plot directed from India to kill an American citizen on US soil. The broad accusation about targeting Sikh…
The Beijing blowback should Australia get closer to Taiwan
The Beijing blowback should Australia get closer to Taiwan
Should Australia adopt a more assertive and, by definition, riskier policy on Taiwan? Benjamin Herscovitch and Mark Harrison, of the Australian National University and the…
Don’t let China veto Australia’s ties with Taiwan
Don’t let China veto Australia’s ties with Taiwan
Conflict over Taiwan would be calamitous. It risks sparking a US–China war, imperilling millions of lives on both sides of the Strait, and destroying Taiwan’s hard-won liberal…
America's re-balance to Asia delayed … again
America's re-balance to Asia delayed … again
The hostilities in Gaza are the most recent in a long line of events bedevilling American efforts to shift resources from the Middle East to higher priority theatres. Slightly…
China’s view of Henry Kissinger: A political nostalgia
China’s view of Henry Kissinger: A political nostalgia
The passing of the former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a towering figure in 20th-century diplomacy, has triggered global reflections on his complex legacy. While Western…
Enhancing Australia's Taiwan ties
Policy Briefs
Enhancing Australia's Taiwan ties
Australia has limited its economic and political engagements with Taiwan due to fears of upsetting China. Is now the right time for change?
Indonesia ratifies nuclear weapons ban treaty. Australia should too.
Indonesia ratifies nuclear weapons ban treaty. Australia should too.
Indonesia’s parliament last month agreed to ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). This is an important political development, and it…
“Egregious stupidity”: The story of when Australia split with Kissinger over South Asia
“Egregious stupidity”: The story of when Australia split with Kissinger over South Asia
Australian appraisals of Henry Kissinger and his statecraft have quickly recalled how his secret visit to Beijing in July 1971 embarrassed the government of Billy McMahon in…