
Explaining China’s Central Asia pivot
Explaining China’s Central Asia pivot
A surge in apprehension followed the establishment last week of a China-Central Asia Summit. “The war in Ukraine has weakened some of Russia’s influence in Central Asia,” warned…
Economic diplomacy: Taking cover from the summit war of words
Economic diplomacy: Taking cover from the summit war of words
Growing pains For a newish four-member, self-declared nimble group with an aversion for too much bureaucratisation, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue hit a telling benchmark…
Decoding diplomatic dynamics in Asia: The numbers tell a captivating story
Decoding diplomatic dynamics in Asia: The numbers tell a captivating story
The cancellation of US President Joe Biden’s visits to Australia and Papua New Guinea raised predictable questions about the ability of the United States to focus on the Indo…
North Korea/South Korea: Who’s threatening who?
North Korea/South Korea: Who’s threatening who?
Kim Yo-jong, sister to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, delivered a warning last week about Pyongyang’s plans for its nuclear program. “The second mission,” she said of the regime…
A G20 presidency to build Brand India as a champion of the Global South
A G20 presidency to build Brand India as a champion of the Global South
India is using the G20 presidency to demonstrate to the world the country’s strengths as a responsible and collaborative global actor. The message is a broad one – “One Family,…
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Motives in the tech competition between the United States and China pose increasingly difficult policy issues for other economies.
Albanese should raise human rights concerns with Modi
Albanese should raise human rights concerns with Modi
When India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits Sydney this week, there should be no empty clichés from Australia’s leaders simply hailing India as “the world’s largest democracy…
After Jokowi: What Indonesia’s next president could face in foreign affairs
After Jokowi: What Indonesia’s next president could face in foreign affairs
Myanmar. The South China Sea. AUKUS. These are but three of a battery of hot button foreign policy issues Indonesia’s next president will have to contend with, even before…
The danger of anti-Chinese sentiment in Indonesia’s election campaign
The danger of anti-Chinese sentiment in Indonesia’s election campaign
While economic issues are expected to dominate Indonesia’s presidential election campaign ahead of a ballot next year, there are signs that the country’s political elite are not…
Building a Quad that lasts to the next generation
Building a Quad that lasts to the next generation
Despite US President Joe Biden cancelling his trip to Australia and Papua New Guinea amid rancorous debt debates at home, leading to the cancellation of the Quad summit in Sydney,…