
Does Southeast Asia need a new development model?
Does Southeast Asia need a new development model?
A Lowy Institute debate, with contributions from leading Southeast Asian experts.
Why engaging Asia matters even more
Why engaging Asia matters even more
The political philosopher Edmund Burke once observed that society was a contract across generations linking the past, present and future. Something similar can be said about…
The merits of transactionalism
The merits of transactionalism
In July this year, a South Korean delegation visited Canberra to discuss potential arms sales. While various capabilities were mooted, from cannon to submarines, the visitors made…
What are the prospects for stability across the Taiwan Strait?
What are the prospects for stability across the Taiwan Strait?
It is under debate whether we are heading towards a fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis. This month alone, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, China responded with unprecedented…
A new Marcos gets down to business
A new Marcos gets down to business
Sugar coating As Australia’s former prime minister Scott Morrison has drawn international attention for his efforts to secretly grab power, the region’s newest leader is…
Will Thailand’s prime minister defy time?
Will Thailand’s prime minister defy time?
The Constitutional Court of Thailand decided yesterday to hear a petition from the political opposition asking the Court to make a ruling on when the Thai Prime Minister Prayut…
Asia skills critical to Australia’s economic future and security
Asia skills critical to Australia’s economic future and security
The Albanese government will hold its Jobs and Skills Summit next week in Canberra amid fierce debate about immigration, skills shortages, real wage growth and an uncertain…
Blue economy may be the key to South Asia's upswing
Blue economy may be the key to South Asia's upswing
For decades, traditional and non-traditional threats in South Asia have found their footing in shifting geopolitical patterns. The Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the recent Sri…
The social media spectacle of China’s Taiwan military exercises
The social media spectacle of China’s Taiwan military exercises
“The Old Witch has landed” was a much recurring phrase on Chinese social media on 2 August 2022. The so-called “Old Witch” was US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and for the entire…
China is losing ground in Sri Lanka
China is losing ground in Sri Lanka
The Chinese tracking ship Yuan Wang 5 has finally docked at Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka for replenishment after India and the United States tried, and ultimately failed, to…