
New directions in Australia-Southeast Asia relations
New directions in Australia-Southeast Asia relations
Australia’s new Labor government has committed to refocusing attention on Southeast Asia, in response to what it argues was a record of neglect under the Coalition government…
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
The importance of “peace and stability” across the Taiwan Strait featured in joint statements issued after US President Joe Biden’s meetings in May with South Korean President…
Years of living statelessly: refugees in Indonesia
Years of living statelessly: refugees in Indonesia
Nazanin Ali walked stylishly in the Westin Hotel Jakarta lounge. Wearing a black hat and collared shirt, she exhibited the “Makaila Haifa” brand of clothing to the invited guests…
Indonesia-Australia climate change cooperation begins with the ocean
Indonesia-Australia climate change cooperation begins with the ocean
The recent visit to Jakarta by Australia’s new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was productive. Among many issues raised in a joint communique released following a meeting with…
Patiently waiting for North Korea’s next nuclear test
Patiently waiting for North Korea’s next nuclear test
Is North Korea going to test a nuclear weapon, or not? The question has reverberated since March, when the supposed hawk Yoon Suk-yeol succeeded Moon Jae-in as South Korea’s…
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
Since its resurrection in late 2017, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) between Australia, India, Japan and the United States has gradually become a centrepiece of…
Insights from Africa as China stumbles in the Pacific
Insights from Africa as China stumbles in the Pacific
Earlier this month, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi concluded a 10-day tour of the Pacific, touching down in Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua New…
Full throttle: Australia’s advantages alongside Azerbaijan
Full throttle: Australia’s advantages alongside Azerbaijan
Historically, Azerbaijan was known as the world capital of black caviar. More recently, in the years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the thorny issue of the disputed…
India-Pakistan: regional rivalries still rule in Afghanistan
India-Pakistan: regional rivalries still rule in Afghanistan
Growing ties between India and the Taliban in Afghanistan have raised eyebrows in Pakistan, which doesn’t want to see a New Delhi-friendly Kabul due to its own security concerns. …
Unpacking the China/Timor-Leste bilateral agreements…
Unpacking the China/Timor-Leste bilateral agreements…
China and Australia’s duelling Pacific tours make final stops. East Timor deals cap Chinese foreign minister’s 10-day Pacific blitz. Anthony Albanese talks with Timor-Leste…