
Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Labor has described Solomon Islands’ security pact with China as Australia’s biggest foreign policy failure in the Pacific since the Second World War, but this is hyperbole…
A first for India and a chance to trade up with Australia
A first for India and a chance to trade up with Australia
The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AIECTA) signed on 2 April marks a first for India in terms of liberalisation of “substantially all” trade and…
Russia-Ukraine: It always comes down to food
Russia-Ukraine: It always comes down to food
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a food shortage – or crisis for some – in unexpected places across the world. For wheat, maize, barley and sunflower oil, Russia…
Strategic divergence: Australia’s Southeast Asia challenge
Strategic divergence: Australia’s Southeast Asia challenge
Australia’s relationships with countries in Southeast Asia are not bad. The prime minister or foreign minister could happily turn up in any regional country and receive a warm…
The not-so-hidden contest behind Timor-Leste’s presidential election
The not-so-hidden contest behind Timor-Leste’s presidential election
Timorese voters head to the polls again on Tuesday 19 April for the second round of the country’s presidential election. The campaign, following a first round of voting last month…
Taming troubled waters
Taming troubled waters
While regional countries respond to Covid-19 and the many social and economic consequences, ensuring peace and stability in the South China Sea has become even more important due…
The problem with postcards from Myanmar
The problem with postcards from Myanmar
Myanmar is fortunate to have extraordinary travel destinations within its borders. But these tourist jewels have been denied to most foreigners since the pandemic began and then…
Law of the sea: A contested watershed ruling
Law of the sea: A contested watershed ruling
When in 2016 the Arbitral Tribunal issued its watershed ruling in the case between the Philippines and China, responses from the international community were lacklustre. The Asian…
Bellicose or bluster? How South Koreans see the North’s nuclear threat
Bellicose or bluster? How South Koreans see the North’s nuclear threat
Do South Koreans view North Korea’s nuclear weapons as a threat? In addition to North Korea ratcheting up missile tests this year, including the first by an intercontinental…
How the Mekong River Commission ignores reality
How the Mekong River Commission ignores reality
Among the many “days” celebrated by the international community, one entrant seems especially incongruous. “Mekong Day” was proclaimed by the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC)…