Australia and Climate Change

Australia’s place in a decarbonising world economy
Australia’s place in a decarbonising world economy
A welcome change is underway in the international effort to combat dangerous global warming. It will have big implications for the Australian economy. The United States, European…
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
At the beginning of 2020, Australia’s national conversation was dominated by the catastrophic bushfires raging throughout the country. The fires killed at least 34 people, burned…
Climate change, security, and the Australian bushfires
Climate change, security, and the Australian bushfires
It’s hard to overstate the devastation of the Australian bushfires of 2019–20. More than 30 people have been killed, communities devastated, millions of hectares of forest…
New Year on Australia’s fire ravaged coast
New Year on Australia’s fire ravaged coast
This was supposed to be an idyllic week on the east and south coasts of Australia, when thousands of families traditionally set off after Christmas for their beach holidays…
“Accepting the science”, rejecting the action
“Accepting the science”, rejecting the action
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has a problem. Australia’s Pacific Island neighbours urgently want industrialised economies to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions and make policy…
Climate change is a national security issue
Climate change is a national security issue
If only a minister of the Morrison government would be as forthright in identifying climate change as a massive destabilising force in Australia’s region as the Chief of the…
An orthodox economic take on climate change shocks
An orthodox economic take on climate change shocks
In a debate as politically fractious as climate change, it is useful to have credible voices joining the fray. On Tuesday night, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) waded into the…
How to save one million lives, and then millions more
How to save one million lives, and then millions more
“Climate change is the greatest health challenge of the 21st century”. Such is the conclusion of the latest report by the World Health Organization (WHO), released last month to…
Finding Australia’s fair share of climate finance
Finding Australia’s fair share of climate finance
Climate finance was high on the agenda in Paris last month as French President Emmanuel Macron co-hosted the 'One Planet Summit' with the UN and World Bank, preceded by a 'Climate…
To lead in the Pacific, Australia must lead on climate change
To lead in the Pacific, Australia must lead on climate change
Richard Marles' address to the Lowy Institute this week was delivered with a rare eloquence. Marles is an impressive orator with genuine knowledge of the region gained over many…