Australia and the Pacific

Australia, BRI backlash should be a warning on loans
Australia, BRI backlash should be a warning on loans
Australia created a $500 million loan scheme for Indonesia to support reconstruction following the 2005 Boxing Day tsunami. Australia lent a hand, forging stronger links…
Australia’s new Pacific Czar
Australia’s new Pacific Czar
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has now established an Office of the Pacific, a measure foreshadowed in 2018 as part of Australia’s Pacific “step up”. Ewen McDonald,…
2018 Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
2018 Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
The Lowy Institute hosted the sixth annual Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue from 4 to 6 December 2018 in Cairns, Australia.
Morrison and the Pacific: the good, the gaffe, and the omission
Morrison and the Pacific: the good, the gaffe, and the omission
The statements about the importance of the Pacific to Australia by Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Foreign Minister Marise Payne, backed by the Foreign Policy White Paper last…
Never too late to get the kids off Nauru
Never too late to get the kids off Nauru
Over the past six years, we have witnessed the steady, if not accelerating, deterioration of the mental and physical health of refugee children on Nauru. Their suffering has been…
Turning the dial on international broadcasting
Turning the dial on international broadcasting
Right when Australia finds itself with serious strategic interests in its neighbourhood, it has managed to turn its once influential international broadcasting…
Submission to Review of Australian Broadcasting Services in the Asia-Pacific
Submission to Review of Australian Broadcasting Services in the Asia-Pacific
Review by Department of Communications and the Arts Shane McLeod , Jonathan Pryke
Review: Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Review: Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Greg Colton’s Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties sits in a long tradition of mainstream thinking about the significance of the…
Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Greater Australian engagement in the Pacific Islands region is needed if Canberra wants to ensure regional stability and underpin Australia’s national security. Greg Colton
2017 Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
2017 Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
The Lowy Institute hosted the fifth annual Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue from 12 to 15 December 2017 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Anna Kirk