Australia's Defence Challenges

When you’re in a hole, stop digging: Australia and the nuke sub deal
When you’re in a hole, stop digging: Australia and the nuke sub deal
There is an old saying that if you find yourself in a hole, the best course of action is to stop digging. If only Australia understood this wisdom. Abandoning the French submarine…
Sharpening deterrence
Sharpening deterrence
“If you want peace, prepare for war.” The idea that states can avoid war by strengthening their military is attractively simple, and the advice, attributed to Roman author…
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Beijing’s maritime and aerospace capabilities will have serious implications in the event of an Indo-Pacific power play.
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
In this feature, we identify ten recurring propositions about the rules-based order and show it's evolution through national debate and government policy. Explore how the rules…
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
In July, Jonathan Pryke presented a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia's defence relationships with Pacific…
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Originally published in The Australian.
Defence Strategic Update 2020: A first assessment
Defence Strategic Update 2020: A first assessment
The Defence Strategic Update 2020 launched yesterday in Canberra is a notably candid assessment of the strategic challenges Australia faces and the measures with which the…