Australia in the World

Why Australia needs more flights to Latin America
Why Australia needs more flights to Latin America
November will be an exciting time for Australia’s relationship with Latin America. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is set to meet his Latin American counterparts at the APEC…
The time has come for an Australia‑Indonesia military pact
The time has come for an Australia‑Indonesia military pact
Australia is lucky to have Indonesia as a close neighbour. It’s true that Jakarta is often prickly. Indonesia has never been benign and friendly like New Zealand (we couldn’t get…
Byte-sized diplomacy: AI-enabled elections or deepfake democracy?
Byte-sized diplomacy: AI-enabled elections or deepfake democracy?
Got a big question on technology and security for “Byte-sized Diplomacy”. Send it through here.We are hearing a lot about AI and elections, should we be concerned?Elections are a…
Economic diplomacy: Ringfencing the Lucky Country
Economic diplomacy: Ringfencing the Lucky Country
Rethinking globalisationBrad Setser brings a useful perspective to the deglobalisation debate in Foreign Affairs this month, chiding those worried that the world as we know it is…
Julian Assange: Some consular cases are more equal than others
Julian Assange: Some consular cases are more equal than others
The presence at Julian Assange’s final court hearing in Saipan of Australia’s two most senior diplomatic heads of mission – Stephen Smith, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom,…
Assange’s guilty plea “crucial” for many in US intelligence community: James Clapper, former DNI
Assange’s guilty plea “crucial” for many in US intelligence community: James Clapper, former DNI
The settlement reached to resolve the long-running legal saga of Julian Assange has one crucial aspect that, from my standpoint as the serving US Director of National Intelligence…
Aid discrepancies: Australia’s modest help to the Horn of Africa
Aid discrepancies: Australia’s modest help to the Horn of Africa
In a recent press release, Australia announced an aid package of $23 million to address the critical needs of the Horn of Africa region. While the gesture is commendable, it falls…
The case for AUKUS you should read – even if not yet the explanation we need
The case for AUKUS you should read – even if not yet the explanation we need
Since the AUKUS initiative was launched in September 2021, its Australian supporters and critics have been united on one point: that successive governments have failed to make a…
America’s about–face on Assange allows Albanese to claim a win
America’s about–face on Assange allows Albanese to claim a win
News is breaking that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has struck a plea deal to avoid extradition and prison in the United States. The details of the agreement must be approved…
Ten reasons why Trump will support AUKUS
Ten reasons why Trump will support AUKUS
AUKUS will survive under the next US president regardless of who wins the election in November.Joe Biden’s backing seems a no-brainer, given his administration signed the deal. If…