Australia in the World

The crucial role for the Green Climate Fund – and why Australia should contribute
The crucial role for the Green Climate Fund – and why Australia should contribute
Countries will decide next month how much they will pledge to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The summit in Bonn, Germany could determine billions of dollars of financial support…
Amid great power visits, don’t underestimate middle power cooperation
Amid great power visits, don’t underestimate middle power cooperation
This week, US President Joe Biden visited Vietnam as part of a trip “to strengthen alliances around the world to maintain stability”. One widely reported outcome is the…
Finding a place for youth leadership in Australia’s new International Development Policy
Finding a place for youth leadership in Australia’s new International Development Policy
Asia and the Pacific are the most youthful regions of the world, with 25 per cent of their populations aged between 15 and 29. Combined, the two regions are home to 60 per cent of…
In Australia’s big play in Southeast Asia, mobilising the private sector is critical
In Australia’s big play in Southeast Asia, mobilising the private sector is critical
There is an unmistakable disconnect between Australia’s trade and investment flows and the geo-economic importance of Southeast Asia. The combined economies of the Association…
Does Australia lack strategic imagination on aid and development?
Does Australia lack strategic imagination on aid and development?
Australia released a new International Development Policy last month and accepted all the recommendations of the Development Finance Review, which was released on the same day…
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Ernest Hemingway famously wrote bankruptcies happen “gradually, then suddenly”. Given two events last week, this might also succinctly describe the rise of robot warfighting. A…
The Philippines and Australia: A new golden era of strategic relations?
The Philippines and Australia: A new golden era of strategic relations?
Just months into office, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles visited Singapore for the Shangri-La Dialogue, where he made it absolutely clear that…
Economic diplomacy: Spirit of Australia charts a fresh course
Economic diplomacy: Spirit of Australia charts a fresh course
Guns AND butter The release of Australia’s new development aid policy earlier this month has been mostly welcomed as the latest move in the Albanese government’s effort to…
A compelling voice for rethinking Australia’s national security
A compelling voice for rethinking Australia’s national security
Sam Roggeveen’s basic storyline in The Echidna Strategy – that the China threat is grossly exaggerated, and that Australia should not, and need not, rely on America for our…
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
A principle isn’t a principle until it costs you something, the adage goes. Since 2015, successive Lowy Institute polls have found that the majority of Australians support…