Australia in the World

Border closures should not be Australia’s default response
Border closures should not be Australia’s default response
The recent announcement that Australia’s international border would reopen to fully vaccinated eligible visa holders from 1 December 2021, signalled a welcome change for families,…
Solomon Islands deployment: Australia must meet obligations to women
Solomon Islands deployment: Australia must meet obligations to women
Amid the disturbing images of mass protests, looting and arson in Honiara last week, local journalist Georgina Kekea shared footage on Twitter of the central market in Honiara…
Time to step up on global kleptocracy
Time to step up on global kleptocracy
When the Pandora Papers were published last month, few registered their significance for Australian statecraft. Spanning 11.9 million leaked documents, and exposing the property…
Opportunity lost: Australia’s Antarctic aerodrome cancelled
Opportunity lost: Australia’s Antarctic aerodrome cancelled
The Australian government has cancelled the proposed aerodrome near Davis station in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT), emphasising environmental concerns but probably more…
Paul Keating may be the “Grand Appeaser”, but is he wrong?
Paul Keating may be the “Grand Appeaser”, but is he wrong?
Former prime minister Paul Keating’s characteristically frank comments on Australia’s Taiwan policy have attracted many criticisms. One of the most predictable is that he is…
COP26 and beyond: fault lines in global climate policy
COP26 and beyond: fault lines in global climate policy
In this episode, Lowy Institute lead economist Roland Rajah is joined by Dr Vijaya Ramachandran and Dr Sam Geall to discuss the outcomes from the COP26 Glasgow Climate Change…
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Under construction After Build Back Better World (B3W), the Blue Dot Network and the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP), the latest entrant on…
The Indo-Pacific Operating System: How can America shore up the regional order?
The Indo-Pacific Operating System: How can America shore up the regional order?
Five essays from experts from, or based in, Southeast Asia provide a sense of the region’s complexity and the nuance with which any effort to shore up – or rebuild – regional…
A good idea gone nowhere? Diaspora policy in Australia
A good idea gone nowhere? Diaspora policy in Australia
Over the past two decades, an array of organisations and individuals – including PwC, the Asia Society, the Business Council of Australia, academics and public intellectuals –…
Cautiously optimistic: Chinese students keen to get back to Australia
Cautiously optimistic: Chinese students keen to get back to Australia
Of all the negative social effects of Covid-19, one that has been particularly concerning for Australia has been the decline in student migration, including from China, the major…