
Bell teals for big parties in Australia’s election
Bell teals for big parties in Australia’s election
When former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull used a speech in Washington last week to empathise with the rise of independent candidates in Australia’s traditionally two-party…
The case for rejuvenating DFAT
The case for rejuvenating DFAT
A number of experts have argued for change at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to ensure it is match fit for the major geopolitical challenges facing the country. Some…
Chinese bases in the Pacific: A reality check
Chinese bases in the Pacific: A reality check
There was barely concealed panic in Australia when news broke that China had struck a security agreement with Solomon Islands. What if this is really a basing deal that allows…
Economic diplomacy: Trade shifts challenge a new government
Economic diplomacy: Trade shifts challenge a new government
Make or break Trade matters haven’t made much of an impact in Australia’s election campaign, not surprisingly overshadowed by Solomon Islands in the foreign affairs debate and…
Scott Morrison wins. So where to next for Australia in the world?
Scott Morrison wins. So where to next for Australia in the world?
A returned Morrison government will see a Prime Minister at the height of his political powers, being just the second Australian leader this century to win two elections…
Energy security: Embracing technological neutrality
Energy security: Embracing technological neutrality
Energy security has been a global issue for some time, but only recently has it struck Australians as a day-to-day problem. Price hikes at the bowser and the shortage of AdBlue…
Imagining Labor’s first 100 days in foreign policy
Imagining Labor’s first 100 days in foreign policy
With new leadership and a fresh mandate, a Labor government could take significant steps in foreign policy in its first hundred days in office under the leadership of Prime…
Solomon Islands-China security pact: A feminist foreign policy answer
Solomon Islands-China security pact: A feminist foreign policy answer
Solomon Islands has signed a security pact with China and set off a flurry of foreign policy chatter in Australia and the region. Understandably, the focus of the discussion is on…
Solomons: How Australia stacks up in a China aid bidding war
Solomons: How Australia stacks up in a China aid bidding war
Australia’s election campaign has been consumed by the Solomon-China security pact in recent days. Labor has cried “Pacific stuff up”, mocking the Coalition government’s Pacific…
Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Labor has described Solomon Islands’ security pact with China as Australia’s biggest foreign policy failure in the Pacific since the Second World War, but this is hyperbole…