
Paul Keating may be the “Grand Appeaser”, but is he wrong?
Paul Keating may be the “Grand Appeaser”, but is he wrong?
Former prime minister Paul Keating’s characteristically frank comments on Australia’s Taiwan policy have attracted many criticisms. One of the most predictable is that he is…
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Under construction After Build Back Better World (B3W), the Blue Dot Network and the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP), the latest entrant on…
A good idea gone nowhere? Diaspora policy in Australia
A good idea gone nowhere? Diaspora policy in Australia
Over the past two decades, an array of organisations and individuals – including PwC, the Asia Society, the Business Council of Australia, academics and public intellectuals –…
Cautiously optimistic: Chinese students keen to get back to Australia
Cautiously optimistic: Chinese students keen to get back to Australia
Of all the negative social effects of Covid-19, one that has been particularly concerning for Australia has been the decline in student migration, including from China, the major…
Is Australia relevant?
Is Australia relevant?
Last week, Singapore’s Education Minister Chan Chun Sing addressed the Fullerton lecture series on US-China relations and his own country’s foreign policy. Chan, a leading member…
It’s not rocket science, Australia needs a stronger space strategy
It’s not rocket science, Australia needs a stronger space strategy
Australia’s space activities have always been driven by a mix of defence and civilian interests. But what is needed now is a single strategy to guide the various arms of…
Australia’s aid ambition should rise with its geo-political status
Australia’s aid ambition should rise with its geo-political status
There is a strategic mismatch between Australia’s increasing profile on the global stage and its stagnant aid program. Australia’s position in global politics has never been more…
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
It would be reasonable for Australians to feel some annoyance at being, once again, on the receiving end of an odd mixture of criticism and sympathy from America’s far-right…
Australia-Indonesia: burn the boats
Australia-Indonesia: burn the boats
Last week, Australian Border Force released photographs of burning Indonesian fishing vessels allegedly caught fishing illegally in Australian waters. Border Force reported it had…
Do Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships matter?
Do Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships matter?
When Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne landed in Kuala Lumpur at the weekend, she notably lauded the meeting with her Malaysian counterpart as “the first since our…