Australian Diplomacy

Women in international relations: New Voices breaks new ground
Speaking to other women in international affairs, you realise we've all had those moments: when we were the only woman on a panel or, worse, the only female speaker at an entire…
The demise of the Australia Network
May should have been a milestone month for Australian international broadcasting, and arguably the most celebratory in the 13-year history of the Australia Network. ABC…
National Commission of Audit: When you've cut DFAT to the bone…
Every sector is speculating on how it will be hit by next week's federal Budget following the National Commission of Audit's recommendations on cost cutting. As Alex Oliver…
DFAT is not ready for a larger Australia
There's a big, a big hard sun Beating on the big people In a big hard world – Eddie Vedder, 'Hard Sun' Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove is to be commended…
Threatening Russia with G20 cold-shoulder won't solve anything, but may hobble G20
Co-authored by Hugh Jorgensen. What are the implications of Russia's action in the Ukraine for the G20? Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she is considering refusing…
Joe Hockey to the G20: 'Do less, focus more, get outcomes'
Treasurer Joe Hockey's speech at the Lowy Institute today picked up on, and in some areas expanded upon, many of the issues raised in Prime Minister Abbott's G20 address in Davos…
Snowden leaks now hurting US exports, so is spying worth it?
Yesterday Peter McCawley noted that revelations of Australian spying on Indonesia are threatening to damage bilateral trade talks. Today, more evidence that the Snowden leaks are…
Consular services in death spiral as trivial demands increase
Consular services in death spiral as trivial demands increase
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Research Fellow Alex Oliver writes that a huge increase in overseas travel by Australians is putting unsustainable pressure on Australia…
Consular conundrum: the rising demands and diminishing means for assisting Australians overseas
Policy Briefs
Consular conundrum: the rising demands and diminishing means for assisting Australians overseas
Demands on Australia’s consular service are becoming increasingly difficult to meet. How can DFAT manage the increased consular workload in a tight fiscal environment, without…
Overstretched, under-resourced: DFAT has gone to ruin
Overstretched, under-resourced: DFAT has gone to ruin
In a piece for Crikey, Research Fellow Alex Oliver examines the problems of the continued understaffing and underfunding of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. …