Australian Foreign Aid

Australia takes a big first step to engage civil society in foreign policy
Australia takes a big first step to engage civil society in foreign policy
Australia has this week announced a $35 million investment over four years in a Civil Society Partnerships Fund, a key commitment under the International Development…
Aid discrepancies: Australia’s modest help to the Horn of Africa
Aid discrepancies: Australia’s modest help to the Horn of Africa
In a recent press release, Australia announced an aid package of $23 million to address the critical needs of the Horn of Africa region. While the gesture is commendable, it falls…
Economic diplomacy: Strategic funding comes in from the cold
Economic diplomacy: Strategic funding comes in from the cold
Soft dollars While the multiples of defence to aid and intelligence to diplomacy spending have received a lot of attention in recent years as they have relentlessly widened,…
Infrastructure for influence: Pacific Islands building spree
Infrastructure for influence: Pacific Islands building spree
There is a building spree going on in our neighbourhood as Pacific Island countries leverage geopolitical rivalries to fill a huge gap. A rough estimate is that the region needs…
Finding a place for youth leadership in Australia’s new International Development Policy
Finding a place for youth leadership in Australia’s new International Development Policy
Asia and the Pacific are the most youthful regions of the world, with 25 per cent of their populations aged between 15 and 29. Combined, the two regions are home to 60 per cent of…
Does Australia lack strategic imagination on aid and development?
Does Australia lack strategic imagination on aid and development?
Australia released a new International Development Policy last month and accepted all the recommendations of the Development Finance Review, which was released on the same day…
Economic diplomacy: Spirit of Australia charts a fresh course
Economic diplomacy: Spirit of Australia charts a fresh course
Guns AND butter The release of Australia’s new development aid policy earlier this month has been mostly welcomed as the latest move in the Albanese government’s effort to…
Life in Australia’s aid program - but not as we know it
Life in Australia’s aid program - but not as we know it
Something else was going on with the release last week of the Albanese government’s first full-year budget. There was not a lot for the traditional development program. Yet…
Budget time: Will Labor rebuild Australia’s aid program, and how? 
Budget time: Will Labor rebuild Australia’s aid program, and how? 
Labor came to office promising to rebuild Australia’s development program. In government, it has commissioned a new international development policy and a review into the use of…
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
Chinese engagement in the Pacific regularly hit the headlines in 2022, sometimes with dire warnings. The recent China–Solomon Islands security agreement sent shock waves across…