Australian Perspective

Quick Comment: PM Abbott's visit to India
This week the Lowy Institute's International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf and Research Associate Danielle Rajendram discuss Prime Minister Tony Abbott's visit to India…
Abbott's first year: Nowhere to be seen in the Pacific
People who laud Tony Abbott's surefooted foreign policy never mention his role in the Pacific islands. It's hardly surprising. Following the precedent set by John Howard, the…
Abbott's first year: What the pundits get wrong
So, the first-year assessments are in, and it seems the Abbott Government has done well on foreign policy. Mark Kenny says Abbott has established 'a solid profile as a man of…
Indonesia-Australia code of conduct: Canberra made no concessions
Sam Roggeveen is certainly right to praise the achievement of an Australia-Indonesia Code of Conduct. There is, however, an additional point to be made. The ambiguity of the text…
Five fallacies in Australian thinking on Iraq
An RAAF C-130H Hercules deploys aid to civilians in northern Iraq. (Image courtesy of the Department of Defence.) There's a lot to be concerned about in the way Australia is…
Obama 'doesn't have a strategy yet' for ISIS. Do we?
President Obama is already being pilloried for his statement, made in a press conference earlier today, that 'we don't have a strategy yet' for combating ISIS. No strategy? This…
Australians back tougher anti-terror laws
The early numbers are in on the Government's proposed toughening of Australia's anti-terror laws and they make for interesting reading. According to Newspoll, 77% of respondents…
How Fiji outsmarted Australia
Last Friday Fijian Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama began his first visit to Australia since taking power in 2006. In response to the 2006 coup, Canberra had imposed…
What Julie Bishop told China about Clive Palmer
Here's Business Spectator's Fergus Ryan on Clive Palmer's Monday evening TV outburst about China: It was only after Julie Bishop apologised to the Chinese embassy that the…
Australian jihadists: Is revoking citizenship the answer?
One of the policy solutions being considered by the Australian Government to deal with the expected problem of returning Australian jihadists is to preclude their return to…