Australian Public Opinion

As varied as the weather: How public attitudes shape climate policy
As varied as the weather: How public attitudes shape climate policy
Australians are no strangers to the “climate wars”. For more than a decade, the politics of responding to global warming has felled prime ministers amid policy failures and…
Paying the price: Australians want action on climate change
Paying the price: Australians want action on climate change
With US President Joe Biden putting climate change at the centre of US foreign policy, Australia is facing increasing pressure from its closest ally to do more. John Kerry, the…
The politics of being Chinese in Australia
The politics of being Chinese in Australia
The release of the Lowy Institute’s Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities, based on one of the largest surveys of the Chinese-Australian community ever…
Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities
Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities
Amid debates on foreign interference, Australia-China relations and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and Influence Project conducted a…
Changing the narrative of climate change
Changing the narrative of climate change
Few people would recognise respiratory failure as a critical threat to their health without also placing Covid-19 – an amplifier of respiratory failure – in the same category. Yet…
A pivot to globalism, but grievances lurk
A pivot to globalism, but grievances lurk
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the international system was in a profound state of disequilibrium. Two forces arguably sit at the centre of this turbulence: a “top-down”…
Australians look to India more – and don’t always like what they see
Australians look to India more – and don’t always like what they see
A lack of trust from the Australian population towards India is probably the last thing the Morrison government wants right now, as it seeks to shore up its relationship with its…
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
At the beginning of 2020, Australia’s national conversation was dominated by the catastrophic bushfires raging throughout the country. The fires killed at least 34 people, burned…
Generation why? Younger Australians wary of United States
Generation why? Younger Australians wary of United States
“Australians are inclined to wonder whether there is real understanding in the United States … of the requirements imposed upon America by its world leadership,” wrote historian…
New Year on Australia’s fire ravaged coast
New Year on Australia’s fire ravaged coast
This was supposed to be an idyllic week on the east and south coasts of Australia, when thousands of families traditionally set off after Christmas for their beach holidays…