China's Economy

Risk aversion in domestic Chinese politics
Risk aversion in domestic Chinese politics
The 19th Party Congress was a watershed for the Xi administration. Feverish speculation about candidates for promotion the Politburo Standing Committee is over, but their policy…
Xi Jinping's state capitalism is here to stay
Xi Jinping's state capitalism is here to stay
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Roland Rajah
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping, a politically daring, economically cautious, Chinese leader is certain to win a second five-year term at the 19th Party Congress, but his harsh line…
China’s financial concerns
China’s financial concerns
The China bears have been around for years, continuously predicting the end of China's stellar growth story. In 2012 Michael Pettis expected annual growth to average 3% over this…
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is one of President Xi’s most ambitious foreign and economic initiatives. It reflects a combination of economic and strategic drivers, not all of…
Barnaby Joyce's mixed messaging on property rights
Barnaby Joyce's mixed messaging on property rights
There’s been a good deal of mixed messaging coming from Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce recently. This week he made headlines by declaring to an audience …
G20 Monitor: The Chinese 2016 G20 host year
G20 Monitor: The Chinese 2016 G20 host year
The 19th issue of the G20 Monitor focuses on the state of the G20 in the initial months of the Chinese G20 Presidency and examines policies that could contribute to the G20’s core…
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracy
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracy
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracyLeon BerkelmansAustralian Financial Review22 January 2016Click here for the online text.Leon Berkelmans
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
In this Analysis, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Tristram Sainsbury examines the evolving global economic leadership roles of the United States and China.Tristram Sainsbury
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China-Australia relationship needs to broaden from tradeJames BrownThe Saturday Paper30 August 2014Please click here for the online text.James Brown