
Overcoming the deliberate legal ambiguity adopted by China’s coast guard
Overcoming the deliberate legal ambiguity adopted by China’s coast guard
While laws should provide clarity and transparency, China’s recent orders regarding maritime jurisdiction appear to be deliberately based on ambiguity and uncertainty. This has…
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?That’s the question the Australian government from Anthony Albanese down will be trying to answer during Li’s four-day visit to Australia, the…
Deterring China’s military violence against Australians
Deterring China’s military violence against Australians
Repeating an aggressive action four times shows intent. In February 2022, a Chinese warship directed a dangerous laser at an Australian Defence Force aircraft. In June 2022, a…
Rare earths vs rarer resources: Global ripples from Australia’s divestment decision
Rare earths vs rarer resources: Global ripples from Australia’s divestment decision
The Australian government has issued a directive for five foreign companies with links to China to divest their stakes in Northern Minerals Limited within two months. The mining…
Unpacking China’s propaganda narratives against the Philippines
Unpacking China’s propaganda narratives against the Philippines
The Second Thomas Shoal, within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, is the most dangerous flashpoint in the South China Sea.China has ratcheted up pressure at sea to the…
Zelenskyy put a spotlight on China’s Ukraine war problem: Defend Ukraine’s sovereignty, or Russian security?
Zelenskyy put a spotlight on China’s Ukraine war problem: Defend Ukraine’s sovereignty, or Russian security?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a surprise appearance last weekend at the annual Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore, run by the International Institute for Strategic…
The China alibi
The China alibi
The 2024 Lowy Institute Poll makes fascinating reading, not least for the paradigm shift that it shows in attitudes to China. As recently as 2020, the majority of Australians (55%…
The message behind China’s high-profile “comfort women” lawsuit against Tokyo
The message behind China’s high-profile “comfort women” lawsuit against Tokyo
The history of China’s “comfort women” – a term used to describe the sex slaves of the wartime Japanese military – is a potent case illustrating the power of national identity…
What do Biden’s big new China tariffs mean for global development?
What do Biden’s big new China tariffs mean for global development?
The United States has imposed stunning tariff hikes on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), quadrupling them to 100%, as well as 25-50% tariffs on a raft of other Chinese products,…
Whether EVs or solar panels, protectionism has the same distorting effect
Whether EVs or solar panels, protectionism has the same distorting effect
It is commonly agreed that the Biden administration’s recently announced 100% tariff on Chinese made electric cars is entirely symbolic. Already impeded by a 25% tariff, China…