
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
As maritime neighbours, India and Australia form the bookends of the Indian Ocean region. At a time of “big power muscle movement”, as Australia’s Navy Fleet Commander Rear…
Protests in China are nothing new, but these are different
Protests in China are nothing new, but these are different
Originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald.
Kevin Rudd on Jiang Zemin, steward of China’s rise
Kevin Rudd on Jiang Zemin, steward of China’s rise
Jiang Zemin will be seen as a major figure in modern Chinese history. This is because he became the political vehicle through which Deng Xiaoping’s reform program of the 1980s…
Getting the narrative right: China’s media reach in Indonesia
Getting the narrative right: China’s media reach in Indonesia
As China’s President Xi Jinping arrived in Bali a fortnight ago to attend the G20 summit, Indonesian public network Televisi Republik Indonesia began airing “Classics Quoted by Xi…
The chips are down for China
The chips are down for China
Forget Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Covid or war in Taiwan. A package of US export restrictions is set to kneecap China. Originally published in The Australian.
Why “Covid zero” is now the biggest China threat
Why “Covid zero” is now the biggest China threat
China is stuck in the lockdown mentality because it initially worked. It’s now strangling the economy and beginning to trigger serious unrest. Originally published in the…
 A symbolic, stabilising step is one thing – but do Australia and China have enough shared interests for progress?
A symbolic, stabilising step is one thing – but do Australia and China have enough shared interests for progress?
Anthony Albanese and Xi Jinping’s meeting comes in a world where the geopolitical dynamics have changed too much for a ‘reset’ to occur. Originally published in The Guardian.
“Big differences to manage”: Albanese and Xi put a value on diplomacy
“Big differences to manage”: Albanese and Xi put a value on diplomacy
At one level, the meeting was mainly symbolic, Anthony Albanese and Xi Jinping smiling and warmly shaking hands on the sidelines of the G20 in Bali after years of top-level…
Putting food at the heart of China-Indonesia relations
Putting food at the heart of China-Indonesia relations
As regional leaders gathered for the ASEAN summit in Cambodia last week, a sideline meeting also took place with China. For all the talk about regional rivalries amid growing…
CCP: Who makes up the party
CCP: Who makes up the party
Over summer in Australia we’re featuring selected articles from the past year. This was originally published 15 November 2022. These first three charts, taken together,…