
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific reset needs real commercial investment
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific reset needs real commercial investment
Betting on bula Pacific relations may have been an expected conflict zone at the last federal election but once in office the new Albanese government has doubled down on a big…
Australia-China relations: Understanding how we arrived at this point
Australia-China relations: Understanding how we arrived at this point
Australia’s China debate clearly cannot live with history alone, yet it also cannot live without it. This is one of the conclusions reached in my forthcoming book, Australia’s…
Under pressure: Chinese international graduates in a new China
Under pressure: Chinese international graduates in a new China
Over the coming few weeks China is preparing for a record 10.8 million university graduates to enter the labour market. The uncertainty these young Chinese students have…
Answering China’s South China Sea flying safety challenge
Answering China’s South China Sea flying safety challenge
China continues to double down on its dangerous intercept of an Australian maritime surveillance aircraft flying in international air space in the South China Sea. China’s…
Dizzy with success: Xi consolidates repression in Xinjiang
Dizzy with success: Xi consolidates repression in Xinjiang
China’s President Xi Jinping undertook what state media have termed an “inspection tour” of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region between 12 and 15 July. Those hoping that this…
Australians worry about China and muscle-flexing over Taiwan
Australians worry about China and muscle-flexing over Taiwan
“China’s development is an opportunity instead of a threat to Australia,” claimed China’s Ambassador to Australia at a recent address in Sydney. “There is every reason for China…
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
The importance of “peace and stability” across the Taiwan Strait featured in joint statements issued after US President Joe Biden’s meetings in May with South Korean President…
Insights from Africa as China stumbles in the Pacific
Insights from Africa as China stumbles in the Pacific
Earlier this month, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi concluded a 10-day tour of the Pacific, touching down in Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua New…
Unpacking the China/Timor-Leste bilateral agreements…
Unpacking the China/Timor-Leste bilateral agreements…
China and Australia’s duelling Pacific tours make final stops. East Timor deals cap Chinese foreign minister’s 10-day Pacific blitz. Anthony Albanese talks with Timor-Leste…
Timor-Leste, China and Australia, and the influence contest
Timor-Leste, China and Australia, and the influence contest
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi last week concluded a Pacific tour – featuring some diplomatic gains and losses – with a 24-hour visit to Timor-Leste. The visit marks the island…