Climate change

Time to jumpstart Australia-India clean energy cooperation
Time to jumpstart Australia-India clean energy cooperation
Australia and India are already working together to advance their clean energy ambitions, but not on the scale that the relationship finds itself in other spheres.Serious efforts…
Gas and the difficult path to net zero
Gas and the difficult path to net zero
The role of gas in Australia’s energy transition is fraught. Domestically, the tension is between purist greens and renewable realists. But another key issue lies overseas: 80 per…
The carbon sinks of Southeast Asia are in trouble
The carbon sinks of Southeast Asia are in trouble
Southeast Asia contains about 40 per cent of the world’s tropical peatlands. These wetland ecosystems, comprised of centuries-old, partially decomposed organic matter, play a…
China’s contributions are a blind spot in global climate finance
China’s contributions are a blind spot in global climate finance
Developing countries face massive costs to meet the challenges posed by climate change. This year, world leaders will come together at the UN climate talks in Azerbaijan to agree…
The fight for freshwater in the Maldives
The fight for freshwater in the Maldives
Coral reefs, ring-like atolls, attractive beaches and teeming marine life – the Maldives is renowned for its scenic beauty. But these waterside attractions make the pressure on…
A portrait of a climate champion: Who is Enele Sopoaga? 
A portrait of a climate champion: Who is Enele Sopoaga? 
In the world of global climate politics, one of the most often quoted people is Tuvalu’s former prime minister Enele Sosene Sopoaga.You may now know him, but you will likely know…
The cable shortage: Plugging in offshore wind farms
The cable shortage: Plugging in offshore wind farms
Australia’s late entry into the offshore wind market is a welcome development for clean energy advocates. The federal government this month issued what it has called the first…
Fixing the plastics problem when delivering urgent aid
Fixing the plastics problem when delivering urgent aid
In March last year, twin cyclones – Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin – ravaged Vanuatu. The category four cyclones, occurring within 48 hours of each other, affected more than 240…
Waqf-based forests: Harnessing Islamic philanthropy for climate financing in Indonesia
Waqf-based forests: Harnessing Islamic philanthropy for climate financing in Indonesia
Domestic funding for climate resilience has been one of Indonesia’s top priorities. Going “bigger” and “better” are essential to Indonesia’s future prosperity, given the Asian…
Australia’s comparative advantage in climate transition
Australia’s comparative advantage in climate transition
Australia’s $2 billion Southeast Asia Investment Financing Facility (SEAIFF) is a catch-all response to diverse objectives. It was a “deliverable” – or at least an “announcable” –…