Climate change

Global South activists seek a human rights framework for the climate crisis
Global South activists seek a human rights framework for the climate crisis
On a bright afternoon in Midtown Manhattan last month, activists, experts, and officials gathered to celebrate the launch of a new movement to support the climate leadership of…
Five reasons why the government mustn’t cool its heels on an “Australian IRA”
Five reasons why the government mustn’t cool its heels on an “Australian IRA”
In a recent article in the Australian Financial Review, eminent energy economist Professor Frank Jotzo called for Australia to “stay cool, calm and collected” on the…
Libya’s unlearnable lessons
Libya’s unlearnable lessons
In the face of some depressingly stiff competition, Libya could be the unluckiest country in the world. Appalling as the current environmentally driven catastrophe may be, it’s…
Global Stocktake: Unlocking trillions for climate action
Global Stocktake: Unlocking trillions for climate action
The most important component of this year’s round of UN climate negotiations is the Paris Agreement’s Global Stocktake. The Paris Agreement, an international treaty with 195…
Beijing’s plan for Taiwan challenges its offshore wind push
Beijing’s plan for Taiwan challenges its offshore wind push
Military considerations are slowing China’s offshore wind energy deployment. The coastal province of Fujian, just opposite Taiwan, is critical to the Chinese People’s Liberation…
The crucial role for the Green Climate Fund – and why Australia should contribute
The crucial role for the Green Climate Fund – and why Australia should contribute
Countries will decide next month how much they will pledge to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The summit in Bonn, Germany could determine billions of dollars of financial support…
Climate justice: friendshoring, China’s supremacy and America’s IR Act
Climate justice: friendshoring, China’s supremacy and America’s IR Act
When the Inflation Reduction Act (IR Act) passed the US Congress in August 2022, it was acclaimed as the largest, most ambitious climate change investment in American history. The…
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Last week, Pacific leaders and officials discussed the region’s ocean governance in Nadi, law enforcement in Koror, a potential Australia–Pacific COP31 in Suva, and Melanesian…
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
A principle isn’t a principle until it costs you something, the adage goes. Since 2015, successive Lowy Institute polls have found that the majority of Australians support…