Climate change

Climate change in the Pacific – what Australia needs to do
Climate change in the Pacific – what Australia needs to do
Australia has long claimed a special relationship with Pacific island countries as their largest regional trade, investment, security and development partner. But these same…
Defence’s bullet for disaster isn’t silver, it’s brass
Defence’s bullet for disaster isn’t silver, it’s brass
The declaration of a national emergency in response to unprecedented flooding in eastern Australia, and the deployment of 7,000 Australian Defence Force troops across the states…
Climate change: less space between one disaster and the next
Climate change: less space between one disaster and the next
Last month, another major report on the state of the world’s environment was published – a new assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with the dry…
Transforming Australian diplomacy for climate leadership
Transforming Australian diplomacy for climate leadership
One of the former Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade officials involved with a new group “Diplomats for Climate Action Now” recently voiced regret that during his decades…
How to speak green: Europe’s new energy taxonomy
How to speak green: Europe’s new energy taxonomy
It could “destroy the future of our children,” claimed Austria’s Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler. “We believe this technology is too dangerous,” said German government…
Australia should build its green infrastructure presence
Australia should build its green infrastructure presence
A group of former diplomats are among the many parties making a persuasive case for Australia to adopt a more climate-conscious foreign policy. One particularly beneficial…
A climate changed – Best of The Interpreter 2021
A climate changed – Best of The Interpreter 2021
With Australia spared the urgency of a major bushfire disaster over the summer, Roland Rajah foresaw a rapid and positive shift for the country in the economics of climate change…
Only a truly national security strategy can forestall disaster
Only a truly national security strategy can forestall disaster
There is much talk of war drums beating, China battles and military deployments to North East Asia. Such visions are improbable and distant, and even if they occurred, Australia…
Trouble on the Mekong
Trouble on the Mekong
Two reports released last month by The Mekong River Commission (MRC), an inter-governmental organisation that works with the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam…
India, China cop finger pointing in climate politics
India, China cop finger pointing in climate politics
Two weeks of negotiations in Glasgow meant that COP26 resulted in a resolution – of sorts. Nations agreed to resume next year with stronger 2030 emissions reduction targets in a…