Climate change

Explaining green and blue growth
Explaining green and blue growth
A new report co-authored by Lord Nicholas Stern made headlines earlier this month with the projection that efforts to transition to a low carbon economy within the next…
Rights for people forced out by climate change
Rights for people forced out by climate change
Imagine living on a low–lying atoll island in the Pacific and having just survived a severe cyclone. Your island is in ruins and you have lost everything. Humanitarian help is…
Working with China on Pacific climate change
Working with China on Pacific climate change
The recent release of the Lowy Institute’s Pacific Aid Map has relieved some “strategic anxiety” around China’s growing influence in the Pacific islands. Beijing…
Japan floods a warning for a changed climate
Japan floods a warning for a changed climate
The scenes in Japan in the wake of torrential rain that has caused landslides and widespread flooding are heartbreaking. The rains have been described as unprecedented, and…
Climate change and shifting alliances
Climate change and shifting alliances
In 2009 the first democratically elected President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, held an underwater cabinet meeting. The stunt was crafted to draw international attention to…
Climate change and security and why it’s so hard
Climate change and security and why it’s so hard
Australian officials have paid increasing attention to the links between climate change and security. The 2016 Defence White Paper and the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper both…
The Kyoto Protocol 20 years later: Heroes and villains
The Kyoto Protocol 20 years later: Heroes and villains
He was hailed as the ‘hero’ of the Kyoto climate talks 20 years ago, but the diplomat who oversaw negotiations for the world’s first legally binding emission cuts had some…
Searching for sustainable energy in the Mekong
Searching for sustainable energy in the Mekong
Southeast Asian governments are starting to wake up to the vast potential of solar energy, under pressure from civil society groups that insist it is time to get on board with a…
What keeps global security academics awake at night
What keeps global security academics awake at night
At the start of a Global Security course I ask my undergraduate students what they think are the greatest threats to global security. This year I went a step further, surveying…
Green power has a long way to go
One factor driving energy policies across the world is repeated claims by activists that green energy is gaining substantial market share over its despised fossil fuel competitors…