
Coronavirus: The end of sexist economics?
Coronavirus: The end of sexist economics?
As coronavirus spreads, government spending, and lots of it, has been the order of the day. Most of the analysis has focused on the economic impact of these responses, with…
Philippines: Bangsamoro, between conflict and Covid-19
Philippines: Bangsamoro, between conflict and Covid-19
In the midst of a delicate war-to-peace transition, still punctuated by military operations, attacks from militant groups and vendettas between feuding clans, the newly created…
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
While the Canberra political establishment has been sparring with China’s Foreign Ministry – and with Australian billionaires – much of the corporate elite has begun puzzling how…
Covid-19 and development banks in Asia
Covid-19 and development banks in Asia
The Covid-19 pandemic means that more low- and middle-income economies are more reliant on multilateral development banks. Despite the media focus on “mask diplomacy” (or the lack…
COVID-19 and America's counter-terrorism response
COVID-19 and America's counter-terrorism response
Originally published in War on the Rocks.
Parallel plotlines: The evolving stories of climate change and corona
Parallel plotlines: The evolving stories of climate change and corona
I am writing this from inside an apartment in Melbourne, Australia. A crisp, cool breeze ripples in through the window, as it has done in all autumns past and will do in autumns…
COVIDcast Episode 9: Covid‑19 and the oil price collapse
COVIDcast Episode 9: Covid‑19 and the oil price collapse
In this episode of COVIDcast, Roland Rajah, the Lowy Institute’s Director of the International Economy Program, sat down with Rachel Ziemba, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center…
Japan: Cracks in Abe’s government amid the Covid-19 crisis
Japan: Cracks in Abe’s government amid the Covid-19 crisis
Japan’s longest-serving Prime Minister Abe Shinzo is facing tough political challenges while dealing with Covid-19, which he has called “the biggest crisis” since the Second World…
COVIDcast Episode 9: COVID-19 and the oil price collapse
COVIDcast Episode 9: COVID-19 and the oil price collapse
In COVIDcast Episode 9, Roland Rajah, Director, International Economy Program, sits down with Rachel Ziemba, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and…
Governments, not pandemics, stop access to reproductive health
Governments, not pandemics, stop access to reproductive health
Prescription limits on contraceptives, closures of specialist sexual and reproductive health clinics, halts on comprehensive sexual education, and tightened access to safe…