
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The most notable takeaway from the first-ever “Quad” leaders meeting involving the US, India, Japan and Australia at the weekend was the agreement on expanding the global vaccine…
Unpacking vaccine passports
Unpacking vaccine passports
Vaccine passports are attracting a lot of buzz despite the World Health Organisation having repeatedly advised against them. The International Air Transport Association (IATA)…
Covid vaccines: Charity begins at home
Covid vaccines: Charity begins at home
There has – rightly – been a strong reaction in Australia and more broadly to the Italian government decision, endorsed by the European Union and some of its leaders, not to…
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences…
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact globally, with more than 114 million cases and 2.5 million deaths. With 1365 cases and 14 deaths, Papua New Guinea has fared better…
India, Canada and the new vaccine politics
India, Canada and the new vaccine politics
The threat of wealthy countries hoarding vaccines for themselves and denying access to smaller and poorer countries has become the world’s primary cooperative concern. Yet how…
Vaccine nationalism: Rich nations must also care for the poor
Vaccine nationalism: Rich nations must also care for the poor
While the Covid-19 pandemic proved to be the perilous equaliser of humankind, regardless of race and nationality, the vaccine for it however revealed the disturbing inequality…
Pacific development outlook for 2021
Pacific development outlook for 2021
Pacific nations have mostly escaped the heavy death toll and hospital bed shortages faced by Western countries battling Covid-19, but the pandemic has dealt a disproportionately…
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
When a business manager is willing to spend US$200,000 to send home five employees whose contracts have expired and bring five colleagues to replace them on the spot, later…
Helping Indonesia’s children in a time of pandemic
Helping Indonesia’s children in a time of pandemic
While the Indonesian government is taking important steps to improve pandemic management – appointing a new Health Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and preparing to…