
The changing face of Australia’s diplomatic network
The changing face of Australia’s diplomatic network
“Pale, male, and stale” has been a consistent lament when looking at the roll call of ambassadors from most Western nations. There have been frequent calls to include more women,…
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
This Lowy Institute interactive uncovers the changing face of Australia's diplomatic network, tracking 47 years of Australian diplomatic appointments overseas. The data…
Personality in foreign policy
Personality in foreign policy
Readers with long memories might recall the fleeting controversy about the time that a then freshly elected Prime Minister Kevin Rudd stopped, propped and saluted a deeply…
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
China’s increasing attention to the Pacific region has created an uncomfortable bind for Australian foreign policy: should Canberra try to compete on economic grounds, knowing…
Australia’s China politics heats up
Australia’s China politics heats up
After a long period of uber-bipartisanship in the handling of China relations, Labor has opened a clear line of attack on the Morrison government.   Last month, at the…
China overtakes America in presidential diplomacy
China overtakes America in presidential diplomacy
Joe Biden is about to fly to the United Kingdom on his first foreign visit as US President. Biden will attend the G7 summit in Cornwall from 11–13 June, head to Belgium for…
PNG can’t turn a blind eye to the conflict next door
PNG can’t turn a blind eye to the conflict next door
A video recently surfaced on social media in Papua New Guinea, featuring a group of about 20 men, gathered around their apparent leader, declaring war on Indonesia. “People of…
ASEAN’s huge gamble on Myanmar
ASEAN’s huge gamble on Myanmar
It has been a month since the ASEAN Leaders met with Myanmar junta Leader Min Aung Hlaing on 24 April in Jakarta to discuss the situation in Myanmar. The meeting itself and the…
A rare test of China diplomacy
A rare test of China diplomacy
The term “political science,” as many have observed, is somewhat of an oxymoron. Of all fields of scholarly pursuit, politics is comparatively ill-suited to the processes of the…
Economic diplomacy: Patent politics and trade deal twists
Economic diplomacy: Patent politics and trade deal twists
Biden’s jab First it was new carbon emission cuts, and then a global minimum corporate tax. But it is hard to beat the Biden administration’s move to shaft the pharmaceutical…