
The complex consequences of a plunging oil price
The complex consequences of a plunging oil price
Oil made headlines around the world again today, with US oil prices falling below zero for the first time. So what does it mean? Three perspectives can help to make sense of the…
Australia has an IEA problem, not a fuel security problem
Australia has an IEA problem, not a fuel security problem
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an intergovernmental organisation focused on ensuring reliable, clean, and affordable energy for its 30 member states. To achieve this aim…
It’s time for Australia to scale up its energy diplomacy
It’s time for Australia to scale up its energy diplomacy
Later this month, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will travel to Osaka for the annual G20 Leaders’ summit, and he will no doubt want to make his mark following his election triumph…
The global energy outlook and what it means for climate change
The global energy outlook and what it means for climate change
There are so many strongly-held views, so many vested interests and lobbyists, so much political spin and such complexity in the energy/climate debate that it is not easy to find…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
The two Americas at COP23
The two Americas at COP23
Before his fall from grace, former Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards used to talk about 'the two Americas' to describe the gap between the poor and the wealthy…
Global lessons from South Australia's power dilemma
Global lessons from South Australia's power dilemma
South Australia (SA) has become a global case study for what can go wrong when energy policy fails to keep pace with changes in technology and commodity markets. Following the…
Obama's legacy: Bold leadership on climate
Obama's legacy: Bold leadership on climate
Battling climate change was a signature issue of President Barack Obama’s tenure, particularly during the his second term. In contrast, President-elect Donald Trump has called…
Trump-sized upheaval in climate movement
Trump-sized upheaval in climate movement
The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States cast a long shadow over the climate conference in Morocco earlier this month. Delegates spent a lot of time…
Quick comment: Sam Geall on Trump, China and international climate change negotiations
Quick comment: Sam Geall on Trump, China and international climate change negotiations
In an interview published by the New York Times (see the full transcript here), US President-elect Donald Trump significantly softened his rhetoric on climate change, saying…