
What climate change means for mosquito-borne diseases
What climate change means for mosquito-borne diseases
Mosquitos currently kill more than a million people each year. Diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and Rift Valley fever and Zika virus borne by these irritating insects are…
Just how serious is Xi about climate change?
Just how serious is Xi about climate change?
As the leaders of world’s largest carbon emitters meet in Glasgow in the coming days, it is still undetermined whether the single most influential individual of the group will…
Protecting people who lose their homes to climate change
Protecting people who lose their homes to climate change
A long-awaited report released last week in the United States by the Biden administration recommends a new legal pathway for humanitarian protection for people facing serious…
Glasgow: a tipping point for serious action
Glasgow: a tipping point for serious action
In a little over a week, the most consequential climate meeting in human history begins in Glasgow, Scotland. The Earth has warmed by up to 1.3°C since 1880. Devastating fires,…
Australia, Indonesia and climate change
Australia, Indonesia and climate change
In February 2020, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo made a state visit to Australia and addressed a joint sitting of the Australian parliament. This was a rare privilege granted…
The right climate for central planning
The right climate for central planning
If there really is a marketplace for ideas, it’s fair to say that central planning hasn’t been flying off the shelves of late. It’s not hard to see why. The murderous regimes of…
Coming up for air: global action to stop pollution
Coming up for air: global action to stop pollution
The Indonesian government lost a “citizen lawsuit” last month against 32 Jakarta residents after the court ruled that the defendants, which included President Joko Widodo, had…
Line in the sand: How sea-level rise is challenging international law
Line in the sand: How sea-level rise is challenging international law
The effects of sea-level rise for islands are real and increasing attention is being given to the emerging international legal issues. The World Bank last week released a new…
Safeguarding Pacific Island seas starts with indigenous knowledge
Safeguarding Pacific Island seas starts with indigenous knowledge
Some months ago, I was part of a special ocean and culture story-telling workshop on my home island of Erromango, in southern Vanuatu. There, I listened to traditional elders…
The right climate for Indonesia-United States cooperation
The right climate for Indonesia-United States cooperation
Indonesia is feeling a little ignored. The recent visit by US Vice President Kamal Harris to Vietnam and Singapore led to speculation that Indonesia was not a priority for the…