Free Trade

The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
At a time when stability and predictability are needed most, the body at the heart of the rules-based trading system — the World Trade Organization — is reeling from far more than…
The economics of national security in Hong Kong
The economics of national security in Hong Kong
In the late hours of Tuesday evening last week, China’s new national security law for Hong Kong came into force. Seen by many as a response to the pro-democracy protests that…
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation's — and the world's — successful emergence from the pandemic.
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
To emerge in the best way possible from the Covid-19 pandemic requires us to understand the nature of the economic crisis. Our slowdown has arisen from deliberately-introduced…
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
China has displaced the United States from its traditional dominance as a major trading partner for most countries of the world.
Economic diplomacy: Free trade disputes, WTO appeals, DFAT on China
Economic diplomacy: Free trade disputes, WTO appeals, DFAT on China
Empty bench It has been one of the most forecast developments in geo-economics, but the World Trade Organisation is about to finally suffer the crippling blow of its appeals…
Multilateral trade versus self-interest
Multilateral trade versus self-interest
How should countries respond to President Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminium? One response would be to retaliate. Another would be to emphasise the damage done to the…
Free trade is being deferred but not reversed
Free trade is being deferred but not reversed
This is the first in a three-part series on the future of world trade from a global (part 1), Asia Pacific (part 2) and Australian (part 3) perspective. Is protectionism on the…
The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance
The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance
The G20 has become a key international forum since it was set up in 1999. When Australia began its presidency of the 2014 summit in Brisbane, many commentators suggested that…
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about that
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about that
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about thatLeon BerkelmansThe Australian4 August 2015Leon Berkelmans