
Will Putin go to the Brisbane G20 Summit?
One consequence of the tragedy over MH17, apparently at the hands of Russian-backed separatists, is that it raises the question of whether President Putin should attend the…
Global financial crisis: Did the system really work?
Much of the mountain of commentary and analysis of the 2008 Great Recession has been either critical (Paul Krugman might be typical), or a self-interested defence (Tim Geithner…
Climate change: The G20 can add value
Yesterday I gave an interview to the Sydney Morning Herald for a story published today: 'Stopping climate change talks "could hurt" G20' (p. 8 in the paper version). Here I want…
Infrastructure, tax, energy
Infrastructure, tax, energy
This issue of the Monitor focuses on the role of the G20 in infrastructure, tax and energy governance. The Monitor opens with a reflection on a conference jointly hosted by the…
Inequality on the G20 agenda? Obama and the Pope would probably support that
Will Prime Minister Abbott be discussing inequality with fellow G20 leaders when they gather in Brisbane this November?  He would if civil society and the labour movement had…
G20 gives US an ultimatum on IMF reform: But is it a bluff?
The IMF/G20 meetings in Washington last week were not good for the US. And things may get worse. Instead of focusing on the possibility of additional economic sanctions on Russia,…
After six months, how is Australia's G20 presidency going?
G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meet (yet) again in Washington today under the chairmanship of Joe Hockey and Glenn Stevens. This meeting is not getting as much…
Think20 2014: Progress report on Australia’s G20 presidency
Think20 2014: Progress report on Australia’s G20 presidency
Leading analysts from influential think tanks from 11 countries across the world provide their interim assessment of the Australian G20 presidency in this report. They all…
G20: BRICS muscle up over Russia
The good news is that the odds are clearly in favour of the Brisbane G20 Summit going ahead: Sportsbet is offering $1.05 that the Summit will be held and $8.00 that it won't. The…
Threatening Russia with G20 cold-shoulder won't solve anything, but may hobble G20
Co-authored by Hugh Jorgensen. What are the implications of Russia's action in the Ukraine for the G20? Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she is considering refusing…