Global Economic Governance

G20: BRICS muscle up over Russia
The good news is that the odds are clearly in favour of the Brisbane G20 Summit going ahead: Sportsbet is offering $1.05 that the Summit will be held and $8.00 that it won't. The…
Is the IMF a political football in the Ukraine crisis?
The way they were. Yanukovich and Strauss Kahn in 2010. Ukraine faces an economic crisis as well as a political one. Its economy is a mess and it will take a lot of money and…
How not to bail out a country: Bankers still skewing debt debate
One of the many lessons of the 2008 financial crisis is that emergency bailout funding (such as an IMF-orchestrated rescue) seriously distorts the operation of financial markets…
More Trans Pacific Partnership commentary
Further pushback to the Krugman column that Stephen Grenville quoted in his piece on the TPP yesterday. Gideon Rachman shares Grenville's view that Krugman is too busy looking at…
The challenge of repairing G20
The challenge of repairing G20
In this article for Nikkei Report, Stephen Grenville outlines the challenges the G20 faces in its reform process. Stephen Grenville
Good start to G20 but hard road to deliver results
Good start to G20 but hard road to deliver results
In this opinion piece for The Australian Financial Review, Mike Callaghan argues Australia's chairing of the G20 is off to a good start but there is still a long road to…
China's selective reading of G20 Finance Ministers' recommendations
Finance ministers and central bank governors from countries representing 85% of the world's economic output who gathered in Sydney last weekend agreed to lift their combined five…
G20 Sydney Finance Ministers' Meeting: They came, they saw, but did they conquer?
Well, not all G20 finance ministers came to Sydney this weekend. No-shows were from South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Italy and the World Bank president. The Guardian reported that…
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
At the outbreak of the global financial crisis, 2008, the G20 was widely acknowledged as helping prevent an even more serious decline in the global economy. It helped to calm the…
The G20 needs a growth strategy
Policy Briefs
The G20 needs a growth strategy
In this Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Director of the G20 Studies Centre Mike Callaghan AM argues that the G20 needs to develop a comprehensive growth strategy to lift global…