Global Economy

Will geopolitics trump trade?
Will geopolitics trump trade?
Geopolitics may be rapidly moving to the forefront in deciding how the US-China trade war will play out. If so, the odds of a rapprochement are dwindling fast. The trade conflict…
Out of balance: Pakistan’s economic crisis
Out of balance: Pakistan’s economic crisis
National debt in Pakistan has soared past US$92 billion and its servicing costs are projected to reach 30% of the federal budget. The current economic crisis in Pakistan poses…
NAFTA to USMCA – what’s in a name?
NAFTA to USMCA – what’s in a name?
What’s in a name? According to US President Donald Trump, it is the difference between the “worst trade deal ever made” – as he called the North American Free Trade Agreement …
Economic diplomacy: Indonesia, climate and Abe
Economic diplomacy: Indonesia, climate and Abe
First mover advantage Indonesia says Australian education and training institutions will still have an advantage in setting up there even though the recent bilateral trade deal…
Economic diplomacy: Japan, Indonesia and the TPP
Economic diplomacy: Japan, Indonesia and the TPP
Food for thought In 2009 Japanese businessman Masaki Harada used a Lowy Institute appearance to outline some frank and ambitious plans for his company Kirin in Australia, in what…
Trump and rules-based order for global trade
Trump and rules-based order for global trade
Trade has been ground-zero for US President Donald Trump’s brand of geoeconomics, so it’s a good place to start evaluating his impact. Intrinsically, getting agreement on…
What did the 2008 crisis cost America?
What did the 2008 crisis cost America?
Next month marks the tenth anniversary of the failure of Lehman Brothers – the nadir of the 2008 global financial crisis. Not only was there a substantial fall in GDP in…
Geoeconomics isn’t back – it never went away
Geoeconomics isn’t back – it never went away
Like countries, academic fashions rise and fall. The current interest in geoeconomics – using economic power and leverage to pursue geopolitical goals – is classic example of this…
Economic diplomacy: foreign cash at home & abroad
Economic diplomacy: foreign cash at home & abroad
US still rules It might not fit with the increasingly nationalist public debate, but detailed new numbers on the size of foreign-owned businesses in Australia suggest…
Indonesia's economy: Between growth and stability
Indonesia's economy: Between growth and stability
Indonesia has much economic potential but the trade-off between growth and stability continues to bind its growth ambitions.