Global Issues

Economic crisis in China? We're not there yet
I started my job at the Federal Reserve three weeks before Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. I wish I had kept a diary of my initial months at the Fed, so I could recall…
To combat ISIS, refocus international attention on Assad and revive the Geneva process
In March 2011, the Syrian people started their national uprising, motivated by the Arab Spring and following decades of oppression under the dynastic Assad regime. The peaceful…
Why we still need UN climate negotiations
The Marrakesh Accords, the Bali Roadmap, the Cancun Agreements, the Durban Outcomes, the Doha Climate Gateway, the Lima Call for Climate Action – the grand names given to…
Things look bad for Indonesia's economy, but don't expect rapid reform
Arianto Patunru and Sjamsu Rahardja's recent insightful Lowy Institute Analysis, Trade Protectionism in Indonesia: Bad Times and Bad Policy, invokes 'Sadli's Law', named for early…
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
In this Analysis, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Tristram Sainsbury examines the evolving global economic leadership roles of the United States and China.Tristram Sainsbury
Iran nuclear deal opens door for Syria diplomacy
The US and Russia are reportedly promoting a concert-of-powers approach to new negotiations over Syria. Although any movement toward a political solution will be limited by the…
Lebanon's garbage crisis reveals political paralysis
It's 2014 and it's a beautiful summer evening in Lebanon. As the heat of the day subsides, and the rubicund sun slowly sinks into the shimmering azure sea, breathe deep and you…
This week in Jakarta: Diplomacy, deals and the death penalty
Indonesia's President Jokowi will welcome Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Jakarta today, making it his third meeting with an international leader this week. Jokowi…
Labor’s unsettling dilemma
Labor’s unsettling dilemma
Labor’s unsettling dilemmaAlan DupontThe Australian24 July 2015Click here for the online text.Alan Dupont
Indonesia: engagement through communication and culture has barely begun
In a new Lowy Institute Paper, former ONA analyst Ken Ward makes the case for 'more realistic' expectations for the Australia-Indonesia relationship. He writes that despite years…