Global Issues

What can Europe learn from Australia about stopping the boats?
The differences between the recent crises of boat arrivals in Europe and Australia are far greater than their similarities. There is not a civil war brewing 200km from Australian…
With Greece on the brink, has the IMF learnt its lesson?
With Greece once again teetering on the brink of default, a recent paper from the Centre for International Governance Innovation explores one episode in the amazing saga of how…
Six ideas for rescuing Australian digital diplomacy
Australia's approach to digital diplomacy is second-rate and entirely inadequate for a nation that sees itself as 'a top 20 country'. Despite an expanded social media presence,…
China's economic march into Pakistan
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is nothing short of a 'fate changer', said Pakistani Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal, the man behind the historic project. The excitement…
Countering ISIS online
When you look at the global response to the threat of ISIS, a glaring gap is the cyber domain. The internet has been critical to the terrorist group's success. It allows it to…
A note to Congressional Republicans: Why the neocon formula won't work in Asia
Last month, a majority of the Republicans in the US Senate sent an open letter to the leadership of Iran. In it, they declared that any deal on Iranian nuclear technology between…
Does Australia do digital diplomacy?
[vimeo:123424426] After a decade of swimming against the tide, the Australian Government is slowly engaging in the world of digital diplomacy. The term 'DFAT the Dinosaur' no…
Digital disruption
The ability of individuals and organisations to access and respond to information instantaneously, via any number of information and communication technologies (ICT), is flipping…
Why a 'Google tax' is not the answer to corporate tax avoidance
Can tax laws keep up with globally operating businesses and constant technological change? This is a fundamental challenge confronting governments. It is also the reason tax is…
Inclusive growth should not be the G20's game
In 2002 David Dollar and Art Kraay, both at the World Bank at the time, published an article in the Journal of Economic Growth called 'Growth is Good for the Poor'. Dollar and…