Global Issues

MH17: What does international law say?
In the days following the shooting down of MH17, the UN and governments around the world have quickly turned to discussing how to bring the perpetrators to justice. While the most…
Climate action: Public opinion is not the problem
A newly released IPSOS Global Trends Survey  shows, according to a Guardian columnist, that Anglophone countries are particularly inclined towards climate denialism: When you…
China: Climate wrecker or climate leader?
Lisa Williams is author of the new Lowy Institute Analysis, China's Climate Change Policies: Actors and Drivers. The views expressed here are her own and do not reflect the views…
China's climate change policies: actors and drivers
China's climate change policies: actors and drivers
In this Analysis the 2014 Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow, Lisa Williams, argues that despite China’s reputation for being a climate change laggard the country is putting…
Syria, MH17 and the art of the possible at the UN
Australian diplomacy at the UN has kicked up a gear over the last two weeks. On 14 July the Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 2165, drafted by Australia, Jordan and…
UN in South Sudan: The ghosts of Rwanda and Srebrenica
By Charles Hunt, Lecturer in International Security at the University of Queensland, and Mark Malan, Senior Lecturer in Peacekeeping at Massey University in New Zealand. UNMISS…
Carbon tax repeal: Learning from Europe
In September 2010, the Australian Labor Party's Greg Combet sat down with The Australian's Samantha Maiden to explain why the coal industry 'absolutely' had a future. Given…
MH17: A long shadow over AIDS 2014
The spectre of the MH17 outrage is casting a long shadow across AIDS 2014, the 20th international AIDS conference, which opened yesterday in Melbourne. Six of its delegates,…
Russia's MH17 response: How to mismanage a crisis
For Western audiences, Moscow's initial prickly attitude to the downing of MH17 can be read as an example of how not to manage a crisis. Even with the weak hand he inherited,…
Malaysian Airlines shootdown links
Foreign Policy's Passport blog has rolling coverage. The available evidence points to Russian separatist forces being responsible, but it is early days. In 2001 the Ukrainian…